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Dragon Tattoos and What it Might Mean

Thursday, April 15, 2010

When you take a look at various past civilization, you'll quickly noticed that body tattoos are used in different ways than it is today. Today's fashion statement and appeals are used in the past as means to distinguish between different classes such as prisoners from soldiers, as well as a way to distinguish which clan someone is from. With the changing perception to tattoos, the art form as well as the shape of tattoos have also evolved and it is more common today to find tattoos in various shapes and animals that was not used previously.

The fact is our modern society have found an appeal for tattoos, men have use it as a mark or measure of masculinity whereas females found it as a way to express their sensuality. One way or another, tattoos are extremely popular and it is a huge in business sense.

Of all the available art form, a dragon tattoo might be considered as one of the most popular tattoo that one can get. Depending on which part of the world you come from, dragon have different meanings and symbolizes different things across culture, for example in the Far Easy, it would have most likely symbolizes the different elements in the world such as Earth, Water and Sky. Whereas in the West, it is used to express that an enemy must be overcome and defeated in order to claim triumph.

One thing is constant about a dragon tattoo is that it symbolizes that a character which is amoral, which means he is neither evil, nor good. Much like the nature where it can both nurture as well as destroys life, a dragon ultimately represents a force in life where there will be uncertainty as well as chaos in our life.

You will also find variation of dragon tattoos in the form of fire dragon and water dragon. These dinosaur like creatures that either spit fire or thrive in the water can also help portray a character with bad temper, and thus are favored by many people who have some sort of trouble going on in their life.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sverre_Philip

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